History Curriculum

At Osborne Primary School, our carefully planned and structured History curriculum inspires our children to think and act as historians and learn about Britain’s past and their heritage. The curriculum will be accessible to all children. Furthermore, children will delve into the lives of significant individuals and understand the diversity within societies, changes overtime and the impact of this on life today. Our children will begin to form a clear picture of life in the past particularly around our Local area make significant links. Our children will develop key historical skills and become critical and analytical thinkers through real life experiences. They will develop a secure chronological understanding of Britain’s history and the History of the wider world ranging from EYFS through to Year 6. They will explore the connections, contrasts and trends over time, develop a glossary of historical terms and have a firm understanding of the range of sources which help to construct knowledge about the past.


Year 1ToysSignificant women: Mary Seacole and Florence NightingaleLocal History study: 100 years in Erdington
Year 2The Great Fire of LondonThe Gunpowder PlotSignificant people: Wright brothers and Amy Johnson
Year 3Stone Age & Iron AgeAncient EgyptAncient Greece
Year 4RomansSaxons & VikingsAncient China
Year 5The TudorsThe VictoriansBenin
Year 6WW2Black & BritishBeyond Face Value

History Curriculum Evening 2025

We enjoyed celebrating our wonderfully rich History curriculum with our school community. Parents and carers joined us for an evening of exploring, analysing, creating and evaluating with our very enthusiastic children. What an exciting evening it was!