Year 5

Welcome to the Year 5 Home Page!

Class 5A:

Miss Hadley

Class 5B:

Mr Smith

Year 5 Teaching Assistant: Miss Stewart

Year 5 Curriculum

Curriculum Overview


Please have a look at what we will be learning about in Autumn term.

Autumn Curriculum Letter

English Autumn Term

Have a look at the texts we will be exploring in English this term.


Spring Curriculum Letter


Home Learning

You can support your child at home with their learning.

Maths Home Learning

TT Rockstars

Reading Home Learning

Oxford Reading Buddy

Reading Plus

Spelling Home Learning

Pupils will receive ten weekly spellings to practise at home. They will receive the spellings on Monday and be tested on these words on a Friday.

Writing Home Learning

This term, our home learning branch is for Beowulf. There are lots of activities for your child to have a go at linked to our learning in English.

You can watch an animated version of Beowulf using this link:

Beowulf Animation BBC