Raising Concerns

At Osborne Primary School, we are committed to providing a positive and supportive environment for all students, staff, and parents. We understand that there may be times when you have concerns that need to be addressed. To ensure that these are handled effectively, we have a clear policy in place for raising and resolving concerns.


At ATLP schools, we define concerns in this context to mean an expression of worry or doubt over an issue considered to be important for which reassurances are sought. 

In most cases, we expect that concerns which parents seek assurance about can be resolved informally within 15 school days. We encourage you to first contact the appropriate person who can help address your concern. This may include:

  • The school’s administration team
  • Your child’s class teacher
  • The relevant Head of Department
  • The Assistant or Deputy Headteacher

By working together, we aim to resolve issues quickly and efficiently.

Informal Complaints

At ATLP schools, we define a complaint as an expression of dissatisfaction however made, about actions taken or a lack of action. We generally expect that the issue would already be known to the school having been raised as a concern, but may benefit from another individual supporting resolution as they may bring additional objectivity and impartiality.

Similar to concerns, we expect that most complaints can be resolved informally within 15 school days. To support effective resolution, we kindly request that informal complaints are sent to the school office, which will ensure that they are directed to the most appropriate person to resolve and address your complaint, as identified by the school’s headteacher.

Formal Complaints

If your concern cannot be resolved informally, you may need to raise a formal complaint. The ATLP Complaints Policy outlines the steps to follow to ensure that all complaints are treated appropriately and fairly.

The Trust provides a template for formal complaints to assist parents and carers in clearly outlining concerns and the steps already taken to try to resolve them informally. It is important to attempt informal resolution first to ensure that all concerns are addressed in a timely and appropriate manner.

To read the full Complaints Policy and access the formal complaint template, please see the ATLP Complaints Form.

Thank you for your cooperation and understanding as we work together to maintain a supportive and effective learning environment for everyone at Osborne Primary School.